Art Manila in a nutshell

Art Manila in a nutshell

Manila, Philippines is rich in art and culture.  Exploring art in the Philippines is an spectacular adventure. From beautiful paintings and sculptures display in museums and art fair to stunning performances in theaters and even in the streets during festive activities in one barrio’s feast. For the love of arts, Art Manila is developed.

Art Manila is focused on featuring artists and artworks of visual arts. Not only we will cover the Philippines’ visual art but other countries as well. The visual arts are art forms such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video, film making, and architecture. Many artistic disciplines (performing arts, conceptual art, textile arts) involve aspects of the visual arts as well as arts of other types. (Wikipedia)

Art and education is an utmost important aspect for this website. Appreciating the role of schools and universities in honing the skills of the students and producing future artists. The training provided by means of formal education is a good foundation to discover and strengthen the potentials of young artists. Art in education helps in developing creativity and widening imagination of the students for their chosen career in arts through the teachings and experience of the teachers.

A number of artists will be featured to give insights and share their journey on becoming great artists. Also, providing tips for the young and inspiring artists. This is one way to give insights for the young to excel and pursue their passion for the arts.

Some art events will be covered. Art exhibits that take place not only in museums but also in the park, parking lot, inside the mall, convention centers and other galleries. Alternative spaces where art are being displayed are restaurants, corporate offices, and university galleries.

Photography is another area that is included in this blog. There are plenty of enthusiasts in this form of art. Photography has evolved through the technology –from heavy and bulky cameras to digital, mirror-less and easy print to smartphone cameras, innovation is obvious. Whatever device they use, artists in group can reveal emotions and how scenic their photograph is.

If you are an artist and want to get featured or have your content about visual arts be published in Art Manila, feel free to send an email to or fill out this form: